This movie should be seen by every American at least once in their lifetime! There are deep issues here that concern all persons who care about freedom and truth. If you are naive to the corruption that plagues all Governments, then this movie will be your wake-up call.
The soliloquy by V during his TV transmission is like a marriage between Shakespeare and Thomas Jefferson! It is pure ear ambrosia! That he so boldly addresses the audience (in film and real life) with both rebuke and empathy, is genius! I am brought to tears every time I hear it!
Also, the symbolism in the last fight scene, with V's proclamation that Ideas never die, is so moving that I wager if more people could embrace that notion, our country--our world, would be forever changed. That is the scope and momentum of this film, and why it deserves to be hailed a classic.
V for Vendetta
Posted : 17 years, 3 months ago on 7 November 2007 03:16 (A review of V for Vendetta)0 comments, Reply to this entry